“The true essence of leadership lies in influence and not authority.”
Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Sr Sec School conducted its deputation Ceremony for the academic year 2022-23 on 11 July 2022. The ceremony began with a soulful prayer to thank the almighty for blessing us with this opportunity.
The school Chairman Shri Anurup Sharma principal,Dr Mrs Urmila Sharma, Headmistress Miss Saumya Anurup Sharma Academic Proctor Mrs Prabha Garg Academic adviser Mr M. P Sharma graced the event.The special guest for the ceremony was Mrs Krishna Bhatia. The students welcomed the dignitaries .Netresh and Soumya Aggarwal were elected the Head Boy and Head Girl, respectively.
The zestful students were then officially handed over the designations. The oath taking ceremony was led by the newly elected head boy and head girl to pursue excellence in every action.
All cabinet members expressed their gratitude towards the dignitaries and the teachers. The Chairman Shri Anurup Sharma and The principal Dr Mrs Urmila Sharma exhorted them to uphold the values of a true leader and wished them all the best for their future.
The Head Mistress of school Miss Saumya Anurup Sharma in her address to the newly elected Student Council, encouraged them to strive for excellence and set an example for their peers. She entrusted them to set priorities in hours of need and be team players. She reminded them that they were the torch bearers of the School’s values and urged them to take responsibility with commitment and integrity. Academic Proctor Mrs Prabha Garg also motivated students to be proactive listeners and show compassion towards their fellow students who needed their help.
Special Guest Mrs Krishna Bhatia congratulated the newly appointed council members and addressed the gathering. She also inspired them to be dutiful and responsible in carrying out their assigned roles.
The ceremony was concluded with a vote of thanks to the students and teachers who made this delightful ceremony possible.
INVESTITURE CEREMONY (2021-22) (30-07-2021)
It has been more than a year and half that globally we all are facing, fighting and standing strong against the greatest crisis, COVID-19 pandemic. In respect to this, Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Sr. Sec. School, Vivek Vihar is doing all it takes in fulfilling each and every duty and responsibility to cater best to the students. Thus, school established its prolific student council and celebrated the Investiture Ceremony with great pomp and show digitally on 30th July, 2021. The day started with the customary Lamp-Lighting ceremony as a tribute to Mother Saraswati, The embodiment of Knowledge. The occasion of online celebration was graced by the hon’ble Director of the school, Shri Anurup Sharma, Principal, Dr. (Mrs.) Urmila Sharma, Headmistress, Ms. Saumya Anurup Sharma, Academic Proctor, Mrs. Prabha Garg and Academic Advisor, Mr. S.P. Sharma. This event acted as a gateway for stimulating students’ potentials and it was a great celebration by collaborating the ideas & support of our school dignitaries due to which children celebrated their day in true spirit. Mr. Vinod Kumar Sharma, Ms. Mona Luthra (from Arwachin World School) and Ms. Jyoti (from Arwachin World School) also graced the occasion. Day proceeded, where council introduced new members for this session. The surprise was over as council introduced their Head Boy (Chirag Tyagi) and Head Girl (Ananya Gupta). Other vital posts of council were also announced such as, School Captain, School Vice-Captain, Academic Captain, Academic Vice-Captain, Discipline Captain, Discipline Vice-Captain, Cultural Captain, Cultural Vice-Captain, Sports Captain, Sports Vice-Captain, House stars and Prefects from all the domains of the school. The show proceeded with The Oath Ceremony where member of the council pledged that they will shoulder their responsibilities and work towards the betterment of the school. Discipline captain then gave a Speech on Discipline and motivated students to perform as a team, with a motto to: SERVICE with Pride LEAD with Confidence INSPIRE to Impact lives The day moved ahead with some encouraging and enlightening words of the Director Sir, Principal ma’am, Academic Proctor and Academic Advisor, they congratulated the council and showered their blessings on them. Finally, the event concluded with the Vote of Thanks by the Head boy & Head girl of the school and National Anthem

INVESTITURE CEREMONY (2020-21) “Leaders are the role models who inspire the followers and motivate them to reach the target of success” As the world is currently facing the greatest crisis and fighting against COVID-19 pandemic; Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Sr. Sec. School, Vivek Vihar is not leaving anything loose and is fulfilling each and every duty and responsibility to cater best to the students. Thus, school established its prolific student council and celebrated the Investiture Ceremony with great pomp and show digitally on 28th August 2020. The day started with the customary LAMP-LIGHTING ceremony as a tribute to Mother Saraswati, The embodiment of Knowledge. Then the council introduced new members for this session. The surprise was over as council introduced their Head Boy (Vaibhav Pratap Singh) and Head Girl (Bhumika Sheel). Other vital posts of council were also announced such as, School Captain, School Vice-Captain, Academic Captain Academic Vice-Captain, Discipline Captain, Discipline ViceCaptain, Cultural Captain, Cultural Vice-Captain, Sports Captain, Sports ViceCaptain, House stars, Prefects and so one from all the domains of the school. The show proceeded with The Oath Ceremony where member of the council pledged that they will shoulder their responsibilities and work towards the betterment of the school. Discipline captain then gave a Speech on Discipline and motivated students to perform as a team. The occasion of online celebration was graced by School Director, Mr. Anurup Sharma, Principal, Dr. (Mrs.) Urmila Sharma, Headmistress, Ms. Saumya Anurup Sharma and Academic Proctor, Mrs. Prabha Garg, those who have provided this gateway for stimulating students’ potentials and it was a great celebration by collaborating the ideas & support of our school dignitaries due to which children celebrated their day in true spirit. Mr. Vinod Kumar Sharma, Ms. Mona Luthra (from Arwachin World School) and Ms. Jyoti (from Arwachin World School) also graced the occasion. At the end, Director Sir, Principal ma’am and Prabha ma’am encouraged students with their enlightening words and showered their blessings on them. Finally, the event concluded with the Vote of Thanks from the Head boy & Head girl of the school and National Anthem.
"Do not follow where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
The Investiture Ceremony for the new academic session was yet again a special occasion where the newly appointed Head Boy Harsh Tyagi and the Head Girl Donika Gadiyal, along with their team, were prepared to don the mantle of responsibility and to carry it out with utmost dedication. The dexterous disciplinarians performed the March Past and presented a splendid example of discipline. Every member of the council took an oath to perform their duties diligently. School Director Mr. Anurup Sharma, Principal Dr(Mrs.) Urmila Sharma, Ms. Saumya Anurup Sharma (Head Mistress) alongwith Ms. Prabha Garg (Academic Proctor), Mr. S.P. Sharma graced the occasion. Director congratulated the newly appointed school Cabinet Members for their preparedness to take responsibilities. Principal, Dr. Urmila Sharma also congratulated the council members and told them to be exemplary to other students and serve them well .The programme concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. Praveen Arora. The Office Bearers took the pledge to keep the school motto of 'Loyalty, Truth and Honour' in high esteem and to fulfill their duty with utmost sincerity.
“Leaders are not born but are made by their experiences in life “.To inculcate the leadership qualities in students and to give them a feel of functioning of the administrative body, a School Cabinet was formed as Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Sr. Sec. School and the investiture ceremony was held on 18th July 2018 in the school premises. Pushkar Chaturvedi (XII-G) was appointed as a Head Boy and Kanishka (XII-G) became the Head Girl. The dexterous disciplinarians performed the March Past and presented a splendid example of discipline .Every member of the council took an oath to perform their duties diligently. School Director Mr. Anurup Sharma, Principal Dr(Mrs) Urmila Sharma, Ms. Saumya Anurup Sharma (Head Mistress) alongwith Ms. Prabha Garg (Academic Proctor), Mr. S.P. Sharma graced the occasion. Director congratulated the newly appointed school Cabinet Members for their preparedness to take responsibilities. Principal, Dr. Urmila Sharma also congratulated the council members and told them to be exemplary to other students and serve them well .The programme concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. Praveen Arora.


"Students are an inseparable part in sharing the responsibility of turning the vision of school into a concrete reality. "
Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Sr. Sec. School, Vivek vihar elected its students’ council for the session 2016-17 including 36 members. It consisted of a Head Boy , a Head Girl, 3 Discipline Captains, 3 Sports Captains. 3 Cultural Captains, 6 House Captains, 6 Senior Captains, 4 Junior Captains and 8 Sub-Junior Captains.Saurabh tiwari (XII-C) was nominated as a Head Boy and Shreya Gaur (XII-A) became the Head Girl. The dexterous disciplinarians performed the March Past and presented a splendid example of discipline. Every member of the council took an oath to perform their duties diligently. The Principal, Dr. Urmila Sharma motivated the students to shape the future of India. Ms. Saumya A Sharma told the importance of self discipline in our lives and its miraculous effects. The event included a skit also highlighting the value of discipline in students’ life. Students were motived to tread the path of discipline, devotion and dedication in all the spheres of life. The ceremony ended with vote of thanks proposed by Academic Proctor, Ms. Prabha Garg.