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  School's fully computerized library has the following to cater the requirements of teachers and students.

  • Huge ( 28714 ) collection of Textbooks & Ref. books.
  • Hobby Books, Audio-Visual material & News paper clipping
  • Facility for Reference & Current awareness.
  • Browne system of "Issue and Return" of Books.
  • Project like "Story Hour" Book Seminar, Book Fairs, Book Week etc.
  • Separate Reading Room enriched with huge Periodicals, Journals and Newspapers.
  • Well-stocked electronic library.
  • Well-stocked Book Bank.

 School library provides a conducive atmosphere for reading as it is housed in a spacious hall fully equipped with modernized furniture.
“Provide fuel to the ever burning desire to know and Learn”

L i b r a r y    R u l e s

  • Every bonafide student of the school is allowed to draw two books for 15 days at a time.
  • In case a book or a set of book is misused wrongly handled lost, or damaged the student concerned will have to either the price of the Book / set of Book or replace the Book / set of Books (Latest Ed.).
  • Librarian may call for a book at any time even if the normal period of loan has not expired.
  • If a book is not returned to the librarian on its due date, an overdue charge of 50 paise per day will be charged. No new book shall be issued to him / her till the first book is returned.
  • Reference books, textbooks and magazines can be consulted only during library hours and such reference material is not for issues.
  • Books may be got renewed with the permission of the librarian.
  • Students are to observe complete silence in the library


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"You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. ~ Henry Ford "