Dr. Urmila Sharma took over the reins of Arwachin Bharti Bhawan Senior Secondary School on 3rd January 2000.
- To select a curriculum that prepares the students for the high standards required of them.
- To organize the course of study in a sequential and graded manner.
- To lay the foundation for International study courses.
- To raise the standard of English to meet the demands of the high level of proficiency required in the language as the medium of instruction and study.
- To create an environment conducive to the holistic development of the students.
- To ensure that the students are equipped with the life skills required to face future challenges with fortitude.
- To inspire the students to take independent and valuable decisions.
- To encourage self study under the guidance of a teacher facilitator.
- To nurture the Indianness of the students within a multi cultural ethnic framework.
- To encourage the spiritual growth of every child through value based education.
- To inculcate the best in the student by providing an environment in which every student discover and realizes his or her potential.
- To communicate regularly and work closely with the parents of every student towards his/her academic, emotional and spiritual growth.
- To evoke brotherhood consiousness amongst Children and maintain a congenial and peaceful atmosphere and live in a cohesive manner.
- To create the atmosphere where students are ignited with a quest for learning, Spirt of enquiry and scientific temperament.
- To arrange workshops to update the knowledge base and latest trends in education.
- To follow a unique strategy to keep our academic processes as exhilarating as possible.
- To focous on the uncompromising standards of our academic quality.
- To channelize the immense energy of children through a plethora of activities for their overall development.
- To nurture in our students that love is more precious asset than success; Compassion is more of a prized possession than any of the professional expertise.